Tuesday 19 March 2013

Eat & Drink for £1 a day - 28 Day Challenge - Day 8

Today was the first day of the second week of my challenge. That meant a new shopping basket, something that I was more than ready for. I did my shopping last night in preparation for today, and I have to admit that it was really hard not to dive into it straight away, but I resisted.

Somehow the money seemed to stretch farther this week than the last, maybe because I didn't spend two days worth of money on one item like last week (bouillon), or maybe it was because I had more of a realistic idea of how much things cost and was able to prepare better, I don't know. What I got was:

1 swede
1 bag of carrots (1kg)
3 onions
1 garlic
2 tins of peas (300g)
1 bag of rice (1kg)
1 bag of dry red lentils (500g)
1 bag of spinach leaves (200g)
1 pack of baby plum tomatoes (325g)
1 tin of mandarin segments (312g)

And it came to £7 exactly, which means I still have those 20 pence from last week to play with, or save for a rainy day. Sadly no apples, but maybe next week.

I started the day in my usual way with a mug of hot bouillon. I actually quite like that, and may continue to do so even after this challenge is over. For lunch I had a baked potato (left over from last week) with some spinach leaves and 3 baby tomatoes. It was delicious! And such a change from last week. My dinner was also lovely; boiled rice with a few spinach leaves, 3 tomatoes, and about one third of a tin of peas. Yum!

Am already looking forward to tomorrow's lunch, as I boiled some extra rice which is now in the fridge waiting for me to return.

To sponsor the clean water project in Meru, Kenya, please go to  http://uk.virginmoneygiving.com/fundraiser-web/fundraiser/showFundraiserProfilePage.action?userUrl=stopcocks

1 comment:

  1. Delighted to see some colour in your food Ulla!!!
